Industrial Ladder
The product allows one person to lift, transport, and dispense fully loaded 55 gallon steel drums with ease. It features a manual foot pump hydraulic lift and rolls on 5" rear swivel casters and 8" front rigid wheels. arts for Jig & Fixture, Mechanical Components for Electronic, Automative, Semiconductor Manufacturing and others industrial.
There is a hand crank on the 60" model and chain rotation on the other models to rotate the drum 360°. All models feature a lifting boom attachment, which stores on the outriggers. Optional power units available. See our products options to handle plastic and fiber drums
Rolling Warehouse Ladders
Standard Slope Ladders
Maintenance Ladders
Tip-N-Roll Mobile Ladders
Roll-A-Fold Ladders
Spring Loaded Ladders
Alternating Tread Stairs
Cross-Over Ladders
Modular Steel Work Platform System
Mezzanine Ladders
Aluminum Ladders & Stands
Fiberglass Ladders
Step Ladders & Stands
Adjustable Stands